Clogged drains can be caused by all sorts of debris, including food, hair buildup, toilet paper, and many other household products. Whenever clogged drains occur, it’s never a fun situation, and it’s often tough to unclog drains without proper plumbing knowledge.

Although you may need professional plumbing support to get your drain unclogged, there are a handful of relatively easy DIY tricks that you can keep in mind when attempting to dislodge a pesky clog.

We’ve teamed up with the plumbing experts at Beehive Plumbing to provide this list of five easy drain unclogging tips that you can try at your house, so take this pro advice when you’re attempting your next DIY drain cleaning project!

Hot Water 

Hot water is actually a very useful tool when you’re trying to loosen up tough drain clogs. All you’ll need to do is heat up a pan of water and slowly pour it down the clogged drain, but just make sure that you’re pouring hot water and not boiling water down your drain.

The hot water will slowly but surely sit and loosen up the clog, which is probably the easiest DIY drain unclogging trick in the book!

Hot Water, Vinegar & Baking Soda 

Sometimes hot water isn’t quite enough to fully dislodge a pesky drain clog, and that’s when you should try adding in baking soda and vinegar to develop a DIY drain cleaning solution.

When you combine one cup of vinegar and one cup of baking soda, you’ll essentially develop a volcano-like reaction within your drain. You’ll want to pour this solution down your drain, and then cover up the drain in order to let the reaction work its magic for about 30 minutes.

Once the solution has effectively loosened up the clog, you’ll pour more hot water down your drain to flush everything out.

Dish Soap 

This is a good solution when you’re attempting to dislodge a toilet clog, because dish soap actually has the viscosity to get deep into your drains and loosen up pesky clogs.

What you’ll want to do is pour about ¼ cup of dish soap into your toilet, and then let this solution sit in the bowl for about 10 minutes. You’ll want to wait for the soap to slowly encourage the clog to slip further down your drain, and once you’ve waited, you’ll pour hot water down the drain to flush out the pipe.

No Big Deal If You Don’t Have A Plunger! 

Plungers are often the go-to drain unclogging tool for homeowners, but of course not everyone owns a plunger. The good news is that you should be perfectly fine if you don’t have a plunger, because there are actually many other affordable tools out there that you can use to effectively dislodge pesky clogs.

Drain snakes are awesome DIY plumbing tools that you can purchase at just about any home improvement store, and they’ll be able to get through even the toughest hair clogs found deep within in your shower and sink drains.

Clothes hangers and other household items can also be used to dislodge pesky clogs for you DIY plumbing projects as well.

Preventing Drain Clogs 

The very best trick when it comes to drain clogs is to avoid them altogether, which can sometimes be easier said than done. Drain covers are a good option for avoiding clogs, because they’ll catch all the debris and hair prior to it slipping into your pipes.

Regularly running hot water down your drains can also help you avoid clog buildups as well!

Contact The Drain Cleaning Experts At Beehive Plumbing When You Need Help To Unclog Drains At Your Property! 

No matter how severe your drain clog currently is, you’re going to need to be very careful while conducting any of the above DIY strategies. Unclogging drains without extensive plumbing knowledge can potentially lead to further issues and more expensive repairs later on, so it’s sometimes best to reach out to your local plumbing team right away when you need help unclogging drains at your property.

You can speak directly with the plumbing specialists at Beehive Plumbing by going through the link at the top of the page, so let them know what exactly you’re experiencing with your clogged drains!